Lesson 5
Text versus Visual - Our parents read book texts, enriched by illustrations
and photos. In order to research, they go to the school library, use the cart
catalog for needed books, and sign up to borrow books for home reading. The
technology or digital generation has greater affinity to visuals compared with
Linear Versus Hyper media - The past 30 year old generation
has obtained information in a linear logical and sequential manner. On the
positive side, this has made them more logical, focused, and reflective
Independent Versus Social Learners - The traditional education system
gives priority to independent learning, prior to participative work. New
learners, however, are already acquainted with digital tools that adopt both
personal and participative work.
Learning to do Versus Learning to pass the test - Old teachers teach students in
order to help them pass test and complete the course requirement. On the other
hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and
habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn.
Delayed Rewards and Instant Gratification - The traditional reward system in
education consists in the grades, honor certificates/medals, and diplomas. On
the other hand, digital learners on their own
experience more immediate
gratification through immediate scores from games.
Rote Memory Versus Fun Learning - Teachers feel obliged to
delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by
standard tests. Digital learners prefer fun learning which is relevant and
instantaneously useful to them. Learning is play to new learners and not
surprisingly there is much fun in the digital world outside the school.
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