Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lesson 4 - Bridging the Generation Gap

  The older generation often feels a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This is apparent in simple things like the manner of dressing, socializing, more intimate relationships like friendship and marrying etc.  Even in education, traditional schooling has hardly changed even with the clear evidence of a digital world.

Generation Gaps



First, we need to understand the potentials of ICT
  • The new network of instantaneous communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continents.
  • Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generations, especially along matters of traditional value systems.
  • Alvin Toffler’s book, Future Shock, show how the information age has begun to create many cultural changes in the family, societies, businesses, governments such as what he calls throw-away society, modular man, kinetic image, scientific trajectory, fractured family, surfeit of sub-cults, psychological dimensions.

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